Wiri Station Road

Wiri Station Road

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Wiri Station Road is an example of continuous and thorough consultation with stakeholders that resulted in the successful delivery of the project whilst minimising disruptions.

The Wiri Station Road development proved to be an extremely successful development not just for the flawless execution of the programme, but by the large challenges RCC had around continuing construction at the front of the site while maintaining access and services to existing tenants at the back of the site. 

RCC's strategy of carefully constructing a plan after consulting and liaising with all stakeholders proved successful. As the build continued and moved through different phases the construction management was modified to minimise the effect on tenants. 

Our regular and thorough communication proved to be the key when we delivered this project. 

Kerry Avery| Avery Architects

RCC Commercial did a great job delivering these warehouse units on time and on budget to the overall satisfaction of the project team. Based on their performance on this stage they have been awarded Stages 2 & 3 to complete this development.